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结局介绍:热播高清电影_冷酷探戈:每个人的成长,都像艰辛走过黑暗通道,伸手不见五指,跌跌撞撞,哭与笑,只有听到,苦与乐,只有参透,一切到头来所为的,就是柳暗花明,就是眼前出现光芒的那一瞬间。Young lovers, Max and lime dream to live life together, but there comes a war, and everything that seemed inviolable — their feelings and plans falling apart like a house of cards. Max together with his parents and other Jewish families the Germans were taken to the death camp. He manages to survive and return after the war to his hometown, where he was waiting for a bitter disappointment — all this time the father of limes secretly actively helped the Nazis.热播HD(高清)为您提供冷酷探戈在线观看,更多影视请访问www.rebo20.com