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结局介绍:热播高清电影_你的大脑是男性还是女性:Dr Michael Mosley and Professor Alice Roberts investigate if male and female brains really are wired differently. New research suggests that the connections in men and womens brains follow different patterns, patterns which may explain typical forms of male and female behaviour. But are these patterns innate, or are they shaped by the world around us? Using a team of human lab rats and a troop of barbary monkeys, Michael and Alice test the science and challenge old stereotypes. They ask whether this new scientific research will benefit both men and women - or whether it could drive the sexes even further apart.人类是感性的动物,时常受到情绪的支配,这是人之常情。面对残酷的环境,人本能的反应便是奋力抗争,而当这个环境恶劣到一定的程度时,人的抗争之心就会慢慢被消磨殆尽热播HD(高清)为您提供你的大脑是男性还是女性在线观看,更多影视请访问www.rebo20.com