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结局介绍:热播高清电影_墓碑镇:After success cleaning up Dodge City, Wyatt Earp moves to Tombstone, Arizona, and wishes to get rich in obscurity. He meets his brothers there, as well as his old friend Doc Holliday. A band of outlaws that call themselves The Cowboys are causing problems in the region with various acts of random violence, and inevitably come into confrontation with Holliday and the Earps, which leads to a shoot-out at the OK Corral.有所悲哀,然而不论是剧中人还是观者,都已经升华到了能够克服之而“向前看”的高度,在成长的过程中永远出淤泥而不染,这仍然是有着极大的理想性的。热播HD(高清)为您提供墓碑镇在线观看,更多影视请访问www.rebo20.com