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结局介绍:热播高清电影_詹姆斯大战未来的自己:似乎每个人都在等待,但是为等待的事情付出的方式不同,结果也不相同。在接受等待的同时更要努力结束等待,毕竟等待就是为了结束。等待中,生活仍旧在发生,回忆也时时在作祟,提醒曾有过的生活。但不管是痛苦或是甜蜜,没有人能够选择默然,只能选择适应,毕竟中转过后,还要往前走。 When an uptight time-travelling obsessed young scientist is visited by his nihilistic future self, hes told that he needs to give up his dream of becoming the worlds first time traveler, or else. But when he wont go along with the plan, it becomes a wicked battle of man versus himself - literally.热播HD(高清)为您提供詹姆斯大战未来的自己在线观看,更多影视请访问www.rebo20.com